Please meet your 2023 Committee, all our committee members generously volunteer.
Thank you to all these ladies for giving us their valuable time.
Cath Widdup
President/Social Media
Ashleigha Wilkinson
Vice President/Northwest Co-Ordinator
Karen Ballantyne
Secretary/Umpiring Co-Ordinator
Jenna Dodge
Jan Breddy
Association Development Officer/Administration
Stacey Jansen
NetSetGo Coordinator
Nicola McDonald
Umpiring Coordinator
Lilia Daniel
Member Protection Officer
Tegan Walker
General Member
Michelle Cockie
General Member
Brittany Tavo
General Member
Rebecca Stephenson
General Member

Over the years we have had a number of individuals who have gone above and beyond for the Port Hedland Netball Association.
Thank you to the following members who have contributed over the many years of Port Hedland Netball Association:
Faye Gladstone
Diane Trimboli
Bev Blake
Annemarie Mabbs
Ann Heath
Laraine Volceski (nee Thorby)
Denise Bell
Lisa Hicks (nee Maniopoto
Cheryl Lemon
Rowie Burnham (nee Kennedy)
Fran Haintz
Briohny Evans (nee Edmonds)
Gloria Jacobs
Lisa Lock (nee Baldock)
Karen Ballantyne
Sally Paice
Tracey Swami (nee Pemberton)
Lyn Pohorama
Teneal Russell
Tash Wuruki (nee Arnold)
Jenna Dodge